Fun 4 Kidz Play and Child Care are a registered charity that was set up in 1998 to provide out of school clubs in Netherton, however due to the excellent reputation the organisation has built up and it’s ability to develop and expand services to meet the needs of local communities and families. Fun 4 Kidz, helping families throughout Merseyside.
Fun 4 Kidz now provides out of school childcare across 9 afterschool clubs, 3 holiday clubs and 3 breakfast clubs within 8 different communities.
These provisions enable parents/carers to access employment or training whilst also providing an inclusion project to assist families and children at risk of social exclusion.
Contact us using the telephone numbers below or visit our contact page.
“Create a place where people enjoy being together”.
Fun 4 Kidz currently oversees the following provisions:
Breakfast Club
Afterschool Clubs
Holiday Clubs
L30 Community Centre
Fun 4 Kidz currently provides activities for over 850 children per week and with the ongoing development of the organisation many more children will benefit in the future and for generations to come.
Fun 4 Kidz are a registered charity originally set up in 1998 to provide out of school clubs in Netherton due to its excellent reputation... Fun 4 Kidz have expanded services to meet the needs of local communities and families throughout Merseyside... Contact us for more information...